Minnesota MLS Real Estate Coverage
IDX Site can help you add MLS data to your real estate website. The following is a full list of MLS's that are available here in Minnesota. MLS Data integrations can be done for all of the MLS's in the corrisponding list.
List of Minnesota based MLS's
- AHMLS/DAAR - Arrowhead MLS, Duluth Area Association of Realtors®
- GAAMLS - Greater Alexandria Area MLS
- SASI-RETS - Lake Region Association of Realtors®
- LSAR - Lake Superior Area Realtors®, Inc.
- LCMLS - Lakes Country MN, MLS
- MMRMLS - Midwest Minnesota Regional MLS
- RMLS - NorthstarMLS Regional Multiple Listing Services
- ICMLS - Itasca MLS
- SEMARMLS - SouthEast Minnesota Association of Realtors®
- NWMNAR - NorthWest MinnesotaAssociation of Realtors®
- RAOR - Range area of Realtors®
- RASM - Realtors® Association of Southern Minnesota